Tuesday, May 10, 2011

philadelphia Trip Day 2

                                                DAYYYYY TWWWWOOOOO
Day two started out well. It was another nice day so Sara, Charlie and I began our walk.
The first stop was Ultimo Coffee.

It was a cool shop. Charlie claims that if it weren't for Aaron Ultimo there would be no coffee in Philadelphia. Or something like that.

Charlie had to take off for work so Sara and I headed out for a walk with our final destination being the Mutter Museum. 
The streets are flat and the house are skinny.
Stick man doing his thing.
We stopped by the Fabric Horse store. It was closed but we could window shop.
Two colored doors is how they roll.
Here is the Liberty Bell. It is cracked and there was a line and a fee to get past the windows. pshh. 
Independence Hall!!!! Where the fathers of our country promised us freedom and liberty. There were some signs with info that I thoroughly enjoyed reading.
 This is Philadelphia's city hall. It is large and awesome. The plaza around it also has a skate spot I'd seen in movies.
It's a beautiful thing really. From here we started walking to Elixr coffee.
They lost the keys, maybe? The gate was just cut through with a plasma cutter. Yes.
There is also many awesome bikes littering Philadelphia. Like this one.
Here is Elixr. They use both EP cups and tampers, so they're alright.
After Elixr we went to the museum. Its was awesome but I was unfortuently not allowed to take photos. So this will have to do.
It was real. Like too real. I felt a little sick afterwords. Annnyway.
Charlie was getting off soon so we pointed our feet in the direction of Shot Tower.
This place is called the magic garden. Some guy went crazy and made everything shiny. 
His murals are up all around town.
He must of been a meth head, right?
 We got to Shot Tower right as Charlie was finishing up. We then made our way to eat foooood.
This is the hot dog truck outside the Memphis Tap Room. Genius really.
The possibilities were endless and the food was delicious. The guy on the left is Anthony, by the way. He is Sara and Charlies House mate, and a good guy. After this photo was taken we headed home for some much needed rest.

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