Friday, May 13, 2011

Philadelphia Trip Day 4

Sara and Charlie had to open, so I woke up later and took a walk down to Shot Tower to visit them.
There are a lot of murals around Philadelphia and this is one of the stranger ones. Not quite sure whats going on. uhhhhhhhhh
 I got to Shot Tower and snapped this picture as soon as I walked in. Apparently the guy on the far right was trying to pass off fake bills to Charlie. BUT he's a pro and wouldn't let it happen.
We then got back to the house and picked up some tacos on our way.
They were awesome.
THEN this guy showed up!
More coffee was the next step, so we headed to Ultimo.
Ocean's four. 
Charlie was excited.
While waiting for our coffee Eamon showed me his recent surgery. He got extra muscles implanted in his finger for optimized rowing. Just kidding. He scraped himself or something.
The coffee was great so we went back to the house for some outdoor time!
Later that night we went to the Memphis Tap room for more hot dogs!
Then Charlie took us for a drive around Philly.
We ended up at the art museum, so we got out to walk around.
The new Sara, Eamon, Charlie (SEC) album cover?
Creeper statues, but they were down to dance.
Fish heads.
I am king!
I'm getting eaten by the lion and Eamon's eating the guys foot. No joke.
Eamon and I ended the night with racing up the infamous "Rocky" steps!
Eamon won. 
So far its been great in Philadelphia and I'm excited that Eamon was able to meet up. 
Tomorrow we head to NYC!

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